Jamnaba Hospital Bardoli

Welcome To "Jamnaba" Sarvajanik Hospital

The Muslim Welfare Society Bardoli Organised
Jamnaba Sarvajanik Hospital

About Us

A Few Words

About Us

The Muslim Welfare Society Bardoli Trust is a Charity Registered nonprofit Organization that owns and manages Jamnaba Sarvajanik Hospital. Jamnaba Hospital aspires to principally meet the medial needs of the local community, the majority of who are economically dis-advantaged. The hospital is located in Bardoli, district Surat, south Gujarat, India and serves a wide geographical area.

Jamnaba Hospital emerged from a dispensary setup in 1978 which served all members of the local community without discriminatory. It was this daily observation for a period of nearly thirty five years of providing non discriminatory service that prompted Mr.Rameshbhai Mali to donate land for the hospital to be built in his Grandmother’s name.

Jamnaba Hospital was formally opened by the governor of Gujarat, Dr.Smt. Kamala Beniwal, on 21st Feb 2011 in the presence of Dr.Tushar Chaudhari – Minister of State (Road Transport & Highways) Government of India.

The hospital is now reasonably well established and is a known healthcare provider that provides affordable and subsidized healthcare within a quality environment.

Our Vision
“Jamnaba” means to “Sprout”, “Settle” and “Cohere” in both Hindi and Urdu. In light of this, our vision is to provide quality health care to all, sprouting the seeds of hope and promoting unity and community coherence through universal service provision.
Our Mission
To work in conjunction with the diverse communities including institutions, businesses and individuals to provide affordable and subsidised healthcare to those in need.
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